This function generates burden plot using the MAF data.
plotType = "Dotplot",
mb_covered = NULL,
save_data_to_file = NULL
The MAF object
Type of plot (Either "Dotplot" or "Barplot")
Total covered bases for mutation count normalization
The name and path of the output file
A ggplot object containing the burden plot
maf <- system.file("extdata", "test.mutect2.maf.gz", package = "MAFDash")
generateBurdenPlot(read.maf(maf), plotType="Dotplot")
#> -Reading
#> -Validating
#> -Silent variants: 561
#> -Summarizing
#> --Possible FLAGS among top ten genes:
#> MACF1
#> MUC16
#> -Processing clinical data
#> --Missing clinical data
#> -Finished in 0.208s elapsed (0.188s cpu)
generateBurdenPlot(read.maf(maf), plotType="Barplot")
#> -Reading
#> -Validating
#> -Silent variants: 561
#> -Summarizing
#> --Possible FLAGS among top ten genes:
#> MACF1
#> MUC16
#> -Processing clinical data
#> --Missing clinical data
#> -Finished in 0.332s elapsed (0.304s cpu)