
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, MD, USA

Bioinformatics Analyst II (December,2020 to April,2022)

Provided bioinformatics research support to the My Pediatric and Adult Rare Tumor Network (MyPART) team at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Leading the effort in identifying dysregulated pathways and driver genes in rare tumors by integrating multi-omics data (RNASeq, WGS, and WES) using various statistical and machine learning methods. During this time I also developed "MAFDash", a tool to carry out the visualization and analysis of the mutation data in MAF format in the form of a dashboard (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MAFDash/index.html). I was also involved in developing various NGS data analysis pipelines using snakemake workflow management system.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals, MA, USA

Computational Biology Intern (May,2019 to August,2019)

Worked on the identification of the subfamilies of the uncharacterized human micro-proteome data by generating protein embeddings using deep bidirectional embedding model (biLM). I also developed a deep classification model to predict the subfamilies of the uncharacterized proteins using keras and tensorflow.

Cancer Genetics Inc., NJ, USA

Bioinformatics Analyst Intern (May,2015 to August,2015)

Worked as a Bioinformatics analyst intern in the Bioinformatics research team at CGI and developed a database that stores the variant information of the cancer samples. We used the cbioportal codebase and made changes in its data model to store and visualize the CGI specific data. I was also involved in the development of the automated NGS pipeline for the analysis of the raw NGS sequencing data using picard, freebayes, snpSift and snpEff tools for variant calling.

Hcentive Pvt. Ltd., India

Software Engineer (December,2012 to July,2014)

Worked as a Software developer in MEA (Medicare Enrollment Application) development team which develops products for the US healthcare companies. MEA caters to the need of the US healthcare companies to manage the client's eligibility and enrollment in Medicare to provide them its benefits. I worked on the Post Enrollment Module which consists of the transactions related to the disenrollment of the member from Medicare.

OnMobile Global Limted, India

Software Engineer (July,2011 to November,2012)

Worked as a Software developer in the application team of OnCall a video conferencing solution for Android Phones using SIP (Signal Initiation Protocol). The work includes the development of various features including Registration and Setting Pages, their interaction with the native methods defined in the JNI (Java Native Interface) layer, and handling application signals from the JNI and UI (User Interface).